Hey there, homeowners and DIY enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into a hot topic in the roofing world: fire-treated wood decking. Once upon a time, this material was all the rage for its supposed safety benefits. But guess what? Times have changed, and so has our understanding of what's truly safe for our homes. In my previous blog, https://www.heartroofingflorida.com/post/which-roof-is-hurricane-proof-in-florida, I talked about roofing products but not decking.
Let's break it down:
What's the deal with fire-treated wood decking?
Fire-treated wood decking was originally designed to slow down the spread of flames in case of a fire. Sounds great in theory, right? Well, not so fast...
The hidden dangers
Here's the kicker: that same treatment that was supposed to keep us safe is actually packed with some nasty chemicals. We're talking about toxins that can pose serious health risks to you and your family.
A study published in the peer-reviewed journal "Building and Environment" found that fire retardants used in treated wood can release harmful compounds over time. These include formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can irritate your eyes, nose, and throat, and may even be linked to more serious health issues with long-term exposure (Strezov et al., 2018).
Why it's time for a change
Health concerns: Those toxins we mentioned? They're not just sitting pretty in your roof. They can leach into your living space over time.
Environmental impact: When it's time to replace your roof, disposing of fire-treated wood becomes a whole other headache due to its chemical content.
Better alternatives: Modern roofing materials offer fire resistance without the toxic baggage.
What to do if you have fire-treated wood decking
If your home still has fire-treated wood decking, don't panic! But do consider replacing it during your next roof renovation. Here's why:
Improved indoor air quality
Peace of mind for you and your family
Increased home value (buyers love a safe, up-to-date roof!)
Many lumber stores, like 84 Lumber, offer extensive information about their stocked plywood. A quick visit to https://84lumbercomv3.84-iase-v3.p.azurewebsites.net/building-materials/lumber/ can provide the facts.
The bottom line
While fire safety is crucial, we now know that fire-treated wood decking isn't the answer. Modern roofing solutions offer better protection without the health risks. If you're unsure about your current roofing situation, it's always best to consult with a professional roofer who can assess your needs and recommend safer alternatives.
Remember, your roof does more than just keep the rain out – it plays a big role in your home's overall health and safety. So, make sure it's working for you, not against you!
Have questions about your roof? Drop them in the comments below, and let's keep the conversation going! We offer free estimates on any roofing project by calling 321-499-3012 or visit our website at www.heartroofingflorida.com

Reference: Strezov, V., Moghtaderi, B., & Lucas, J. A. (2018). Emissions of volatile organic compounds from wood treated with fire retardants. Building and Environment, 138, 274-279.